About Us

About us

Be in full control of your IT assets and data security


With data security issues and environmental sustainability top of mind globally, companies can’t afford to hand off their IT asset disposition (ITAD) without knowing and understanding the process of how their assets are being handled from beginning to end. Finding a highly certified and accountable company is the first step in the process.

At CERS Lifecycle, we are an industry-certified ITAD and electronic waste recycling company providing secure and environmentally sustainable solutions for global public and private sector organizations. We pride ourselves on our custom approaches and proven systems. You can rest assured that we take the full liability of every point of the e-waste process by providing secure and safe logistics from transportation to the destruction of data.

At CERS Lifecycle we deliver peace of mind to corporations in need of secure and sustainable e-waste solutions. We take your big IT e-waste recycling headache off your hands and keep it out of landfills in a secure and environmentally sustainable manner. It is our commitment to contribute every day to do our part to help make our world a greener and more sustainable planet.

Our History


Complete Electronic Recycling Service is founded as an Electronic Recycling Company to collect WEEE from Ontario-Based municipal and B2B customers and process into commodity items.


Complete Electronic Recycling Service Rebranded to CERS International. CERS International begins to provide a wider scope of Recycling and Logistics services to include us clients.


CERS partners with global strategic partner to provide enhanced ITAD, Recycling, Media Destruction and Logistic Services throughout us.
CERS expanded its Canadian operating focusing on Refurbishing and Reuse of IT Equipment.
CERS opens a warehouse in Michigan


CERS International moves to expanded facility in London Ontario and continues to expand ITAD offerings.


CERS International  Rebranded to CERS Lifecycle to incorporate expanded service offerings to global clients.

Our Core Values

Foster Teamwork and Collaboration

Our team expands from internal staff and stakeholders to external partnerships through to our customers. We value everyone’s opinion and welcome all ideas because we believe the foundation of great relationships is built by sharing and fostering inclusivity through open communication and collaboration.

Commitment to Environmental Responsibility

We take commitment to environmental sustainability very seriously. We promise to keep current with our environmental certifications and be dedicated to environmental stewardship through leadership, innovation, responsibility and contribution.

Act with Integrity

We believe trust, honesty and loyalty are built on the foundation of integrity by doing the right thing and acting ethically. We conduct ourselves in an open and transparent manner, set realistic, achievable goals, are accountable and lead by example.

Dedication to Leadership and Innovation

We are dedicated every day to expanding our knowledge in the industry to continually develop better processes, automation and streamlined logistics to improve efficiencies enabling a reduction in greenhouse gases and the carbon footprint. We believe in sharing our knowledge, so everyone can contribute, big and small, to help change the world.

CERS Lifecycle is an accredited ITAD service provider for e-waste recycling and secure media destruction and sanitization facility

R2/QEHS Policy

CERS Lifecycle is committed to providing a quality product while protecting the environment and ensuring all personnel, both on-site and throughout the recycling chain, are protected from occupational health & safety issues.  CERS Lifecycle strives for continual improvement of its products, services and its R2, Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety Management System. Our R2/EHSMS Policy demonstrates our commitment to the following:

  • Prevention of injury and ill health and continual improvement in R2/QEHS management and R2/QEHS performance for employees, contractors, visitors and all employees who handle our material throughout the recycling chain;
  • Eliminate hazards and reduce R2/QEHS risks;
  • Investigate any workplace accidents, injuries, and near misses, and promptly correct any unsafe condition or practice;
  • Consultation and participation of workers and, where they exist, workers’ representatives;
  • Comply with, and where practicable exceed, the requirements of the R2/QEHS;
  • Protection of the environment, including prevention of pollution, use of sustainable resources and protection of biodiversity and ecosystems;
  • Comply with all relevant R2/QEHS compliance obligations, customer and product requirements, industry guidelines, and any other R2/QEHS commitments made by the organization;
  • Establishment of R2/QEHS objectives and targets that demonstrate our commitment to this policy;
  • Demonstrate(s) senior management’s commitment to customer satisfaction;
  • Work with downstream partners, customers and contractors to fulfill our environmental and health & safety goals;
  • Willingness to continual strive towards improvement and enhancement of our R2/QEHS performance.

It is the commitment of CERS Lifecycle to ensure that all material received is handled in accordance with the hierarchy of responsible management strategies. This hierarchy follows the Reuse, Materials Recovery, and Energy Recovery or Land Disposal strategy as outlined in Provision 2 of the R2:v3 Standard.  Further this commitment shall incorporate the Focus Material Management Plan that has been developed.

Global Industry Certifications

CERS Lifecycle takes the burden away with innovative and proven systematic ITAD processes for the entire product lifecycle that delivers safe, secure, ethical, and efficient electronic waste recycling services by diverting it from landfill, which contributes to a more sustainable planet and delivers peace of mind.

Certification for Electronics Recycling Centers Responsible Recycling Practices for Electronics Recyclers (R2:v3) is a stringent set of requirements for electronics recyclers. This standard is supported by major electronic OEM’s, the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI), the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI), public interest groups, the US EPA, and US state and local governments.

Recycling industry’s management system standard for quality, environment and health & safety (QEH&S)

The Recycling Industry Operating Standard™ (RIOS™:2016) is an integrated Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety Management System Certification that is designed for recyclers by recyclers. By integrating the management system, recyclers are able to more effectively manage their system, resulting in stronger health and safety programs, greater environmental responsibility, and better operational efficiency.

CERS is a member of the RPRA, the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority based in Ontario Canada. CERS is committed to maintaining environmentally sustainable operations and processes.­


i-SIGMA® is the standard-setting body advocating for best practices in secure data destruction.

i-SIGMA promotes a standard of best practices across governments and by service providers as well as product, equipment, and service suppliers globally.

CERS Lifecycle adheres to HIPAA, PIPEDA, PHIPA Regulations and meets NIST 800-88, DOD 5220.22 CESG Standards

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